

Diary Entry 8 | Mezcal de Pechuga: for the heart and the mind

‘Mezcal de pechuga’ is a special mezcal usually made upon request and is traditionally reserved and consumed in Mexico for special celebrations like weddings, births, and holidays. The Pechuga you may have tried (or certainly should) is the product of generations of mezcal makers experimenting with recipes to create a treat for special occasions mentioned …

Diary Entry 8 | Mezcal de Pechuga: for the heart and the mind Read More »

Diary Entry 4 | Tequila wakes the living, Mezcal wakes the dead

Between October 31st and November 2nd, the streets and public squares of Mexico turn into explosions of colours, flower petals, candles, fancy dresses, parades, music and parties, as Mexico celebrates Día de los Muertos, or Day or the Dead. Though related, Día de los Muertos is not a Mexican version of Halloween. Día de Muertos …

Diary Entry 4 | Tequila wakes the living, Mezcal wakes the dead Read More »

welcome to xamán diaries

United by the passion for the ancestral elixir, Xamán and Mezcal Diaries are embarking on a journey together to capture the magic that mezcal sparks. Together, we’ll be exploring mezcal and its vibrant culture and traditions, fantastic cuisine, vivid art, joyful music, and of course the people and communities behind it all.

Join us on this journey of discovery and marvel through mezcal experiences as we share our stories in Xamán Diaries.

The spirit is provided by Mezcal Xamán and the tales are told by Mezcal Diaries.